Friday, May 30, 2008


Riley came home from school with a homemade book they’d made in class this week. Here are a few quotes from his book, spellings as he had them with my interpretations in parenthesis. What a keepsake! I love this!

When I grow up I want to be a…..
I wunt to be a rme (army) man. Rme (army) mans fite in wars for fredum and justiz. It is fun to be a rme man.

Home sweet home…
I like my home. My home has no lekes (leaks). I have buk bez (bunk beds) in my room.

My favorite movie…
My favurit movie is Inne Anna Jons. In Inne Anna Jons they look for tresur. I like Inne Anna Jons.

Ok, so we’ll keep working on his spelling but as his Mom, I’ll treasure this precious book for years to come.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

We had a great Memorial Day weekend and although I didn’t get to any of my projects I had planned, we had a lot of fun and enjoyed our time together playing and relaxing. Our grass is still tall and my azalea’s are still in their pots, but we shared lots of fun and laughs and for that I am grateful.

Saturday was of course the big day for our now 7 year old. He enjoyed the day and as I described in my previous entry, had us pampering his every whim.

Sunday we headed out to the lake after dropping off Owen with PawPaw and Nanny who were taking him and Jacob camping for the week. It sounds like they are having a lot of fun. We talked to them last night as Owen and Jacob were playing in the water, splashing in the irrigation system that was spraying across the road from the neighboring sod farm. They had enjoyed the day riding four wheelers and playing in the sand and a sprinkler. Nanny was worried her earlier bath had already been un-done and they would be heading to the tub again before bed time.

Lance, Riley and I had a fun Sunday and Monday at the lake with his family. We took full advantage of the beautiful weather on their boat and riding their two jet ski’s around the lake. Riley enjoyed a couple of rides on the jet ski’s but I think enjoyed swimming and jumping off the boat more than anything else. After getting a late start on the water Sunday, everyone voted to spend the night with the GG’s so we could start all over again on Monday. Unfortunately my sister-in-law ended up miserable all night and after a Monday morning visit to the emergency room learned she had a kidney stone. After a dose of some powerful narcotics, she slept the day away while the rest of us played some more on the water. PawPaw bought all the grandkids new fishing rods that were very cool and sparked a new interest in fishing for all of them. They were rocket-launching fishing rods which meant no casting skill was required and added a whole new element of fun to the day. They alternated fishing and jumping into the lake for a swim to cool off. Of course our sweet O was missed terribly but knowing that he was having the time of his life on his camping trip put a smile on my face. It was a fun day and a great end to a great weekend.

On a side note, I have an Owen quote to share. This was while eating dinner at Longhorns Friday night.
Owen, "Mom, I know what it means when you're full."
Mom, "What?"
Owen, "It means you can't eat anymore, right?"
Mom, "That's right. Good job."
Owen, "Well how come it hurts to be full?"
I went on to try and explain how your tummy was being stretched, etc. I'm not sure I did a good job but thought it was funny that he described being full as painful. He's right! That's exactly how we all felt as wel left Longhorn that night, in pain!

Saturday, May 24, 2008


Happy Birthday, Riley! I can't believe my firstborn is already 7! Wow! Time does fly, no doubt about it.

As Riley requested, he started his morning with gifts and then breakfast in bed - bacon, eggs, toast and chocolate milk. He had been up a good hour before breakfast was served but quickly tucked himself back in for his meal. Lance and I gave him a couple of action figures - Indiana Jones and Ironman as well as a book and $20 plus a promise to get him signed up for guitar lessons. He is most excited about the guitar lessons. Owen gave him the new National Treasure II on DVD. I'm not sure who was more excited about that gift, Riley as he opened it or Owen so proud of himself for giving his brother the perfect gift.

His party is next weekend. We've found from previous years that if we want his friends to be able to come, we don't need to schedule a party on Memorial Day weekend. So next Sunday afternoon we'll all gather at a local BMX track for cake and bike races. Riley is looking forward to it.

Riley, your Daddy and I are so proud of the young man you are becoming. A great athlete, a smart student, a compassionate brother and an incredible son. You are learning and growing so fast and it has been amazing to watch you learn and become independant on so many tasks just in this last year - reading, showering and riding a bicycle. I love your excitement about church and going to Sunday School as well as Wednesday night Awana's. You have an appetite to learn and you love to be around kids your age, whether you know them or not. You don't meet a stranger and it's so fun to watch you interact with others. We're looking forward to watching you grow more this year as I know you'll continue to surprise us. Do me just one favor, would you? Slow down! I love my 7 year old Riley but I miss my 1 year old boy at the same time.

We love you, Stink! Happy Birthday!

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Riley the Brave and Owen the Astro

Riley is making big plans for his birthday weekend. He wants to see the new Indy movie this weekend and has already asked for breakfast in bed Saturday morning. I think he got that idea from Mother's Day since Lance and the boys served me. Too funny!

More later on the birthday boy, but I wanted to make a quick post to share the boys baseball pictures from this season.

Friday, May 16, 2008


Lance and I are in Norfolk, VA this week. I had to be here for some training and Lance joined me for the trip. We drove up Monday morning. Eleven hours. Not bad at all though. Eleven hours in a car is easy when there's no one whining in the backseat wondering every 5 minutes if we're there yet.

Riley and Owen are enjoying a fun week at home with PawPaw and Nanny who are running our household more efficiently than Lance and I manage to most weeks. They are getting Riley to and from school each day. Owen had pre-k two days this week. Their schedule also included three baseball games, one baseball practice, church on Wednesday night and football sign-ups on Friday. Not to mention feeding the animals and watering the garden and new flowers. Thank you Mom and Dad!

Lance and I have enjoyed ourselves too. Lance has mostly stayed around the hotel while I've been in class but has seen a few things nearby. He saw the USS Wisconsin battleship which is in a port just a couple blocks away and more importantly he's found several good spots for lunch.

Today I'll be done at noon but we won't head home till tomorrow morning. Not exactly sure what we're going to do this afternoon but I think we're going to drive to Williamsburg, VA and see the original U.S. settlement of Jamestown too.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

A few Riley-isms….

Following his baseball game Tuesday night,
“Whew! I’m getting too old for baseball.”

Explaining a situation at school with his on-again/off-again best friend,
Riley - “Collin always has to give me consumenses. If I don’t give him what he wants he always say’s he’s not my friend anymore. Or if I don’t let him get in line with me, he won’t share his ice cream money. Or if I don’t let him borrow something, he won’t play with me on the play ground. He’s not my friend anymore. I’m tired of his consumenses!”
Mom – ‘What word did you say? Collin gives you what?”
Riley – “consumenses.”
Mom – “Do you mean consequences?”
Riley (getting frustrated) – “Yes, that’s what I said Mom, consumenses.”

Monday, May 5, 2008

More Baseball Tales

If it seems like all I talk about on this blog anymore is baseball, it’s because it’s true. By the end of the month the season will be over but for now it’s what rules our world, or at least our schedule. Friday night after dinner we went by a local sport goods store to buy a bat for Riley. Did you know it’s not uncommon to pay $300 for a little league bat?! I knew there were people that were *way* more into their kids baseball careers than we were who might pay that kind of money for a bat, but I really thought that was the exception not the rule. I mean really. These bats are locked to the merchandise rack like fur coats! It’s ridiculous! Fortunately for us, Riley picked up and quickly grew attached to a $50 bat. Honestly I never thought I’d pay $50 for a bat but considering the alternative I thought we did OK. Especially since at least 2 kids on his team have the $300 version that he can borrow during most games. Not that he will ever choose those bats over his prized new bat. The icing on the cake was the ‘Hit Stick’ we also bought for batting practice at home. The ‘Hit Stick’ is a long, flexible pole with a rubber, ball-like end on it that both boys can use to practice their swing. We stayed an extra 30 minutes after the store closed practicing Riley’s swing in the parking lot. He loved it and was so excited. Seriously, he has been baseball-obsessed since those two purchases Friday night. We spent no less than 4 hours this weekend playing catch, pitching balls to him or holding the ‘Hit Stick’ out for him to practice with. Saturday morning I woke to an odd thumping sound. After I got up and investigated I found Riley in his room hitting plastic balls (like those from a ball pit) against his bedroom wall. Needless to say the bats’ new home is our garage and a new rule had to be made that it was no longer allowed inside despite Riley’s plea to the contrary and his promise to never ever do that again. Owen took a few swings over the weekend, but wasn’t nearly as impressed with the new equipment as his big brother. The first game with his new bat will be Tuesday night. He can’t wait!

Lance finished plowing half of his garden. This is the half where the corn will grow and he and Owen sewed the corn seed Sunday afternoon while I mowed the yard and Riley (yes, you guessed right) was hitting the baseball on his own. We are slowly but surely getting our outdoor projects done although the list seems to grow faster than we can check things off. What we did accomplish this weekend was done between a birthday party, a baseball game, baseball practice and of course church and a shopping trip to Sam’s.

Saturday night our niece Abby hosted a slumber party at her house with nine, 8 year old girls. Needless to say, my brother-in-law, nephew and youngest niece evacuated to our house Saturday night to escape all the estrogen. Plenty of female reinforcements were at their house to help with all the girls. Our house ended up being much like a smaller slumber party. Riley and Tyler shared the top bunk, Owen in his bed, Scotty and Kaylee in our guest room and another friend who wanted to join in the fun, Garrett, crashed on our couch. We enjoyed the company and of course the boys had lots of fun with their cousins.

One sad note from our weekend, instead of 10 we now have 9 chickens. As we were coming outside Saturday night to get in the truck and go find something to eat, Scotty noticed all the feathers in the yard. It turns out the there was a small area where the fence was about 4 inches off the ground and the chickens were escaping from their pen. Apparently this one had gotten out and Escher had found him. We knew there would be casualties going into this whole thing, but I really didn’t think Escher would be the assailant.

Lance and I will be driving to Norfolk next week on a business trip (Lance is tagging along with me on an NS trip) while my Mom and Dad sit with the boys. The boys are excited and Lance and I are looking forward to it too. I’m sure there’ll be plenty of tales to share following that week.

Friday, May 2, 2008

Baseball and Field Trips

Baseball is what we’ve been doing a lot of lately. Riley’s games have really become exciting to watch as there are now boys in his league who can knock homeruns over the fence. Riley isn’t quite there yet but he has gotten a few line-drive doubles and made some exciting plays in left field. Last night he jumped to catch a fly ball, caught the ball in the air (he and the ball were in the air) but then the ball fell out of his glove. Exciting even though he didn’t get the out! Catching fly balls in the air is still somewhat rare in this age group. Riley is the youngest on his team, the only one not to have turned 7 already. And since they are playing in the 7/8 year old league, there are a few mostly-8-year-old-team that have smeared them. But they have improved some each game and had a great near-win last night. Exciting! What’s also fun is that Riley is now looking for Braves games on t.v. and will sit and watch inning after inning of a professional game.

Owen’s league is always fun to watch too. Owen is not as into the sport as Riley but then again Riley wasn’t so into it at that age either.

Football sign-up is in a couple of weeks. It seems like the two seasons get closer and closer together. We’ll be done with baseball by the end of May and then football will start practice in July and games in August. We’ll get a little break at least and only have 1 son playing in football. It’ll be at least another year before Owen is ready to try that.

We have so much to do around our house and yard too, but there just doesn’t seem to be enough time. Lance did get ½ the garden tilled and hopes to get the rest done this weekend. Then there is planting the garden, but that is the fun part for Lance. I still have those azaleas to plant and the grass is in bad need of cutting again. The chickens are in their new home although there is some work left to do there too – build a gate and then clean up all the scrap lumber.

Wednesday I went with Riley and his first grade class to Noah’s Ark. It’s an animal rehabilitation facility and also has a children’s home for foster kids. I was paired with Riley and 3 other boys for the morning adventure. Would you believe I forgot a camera?! Lance had it all setup and ready for me and I left it sitting on the kitchen counter. The trip was fun. The kids got to pet a few animals – deer, goats, lama’s, ostriches. And they got to see many more – bear, monkey’s tigers, a lion, buffalo, tropical birds, chickens and the favorite by far of the 4 boys in my group - alligators.

Hard to believe school will be out soon. We’re all looking forward to summer which brings vacation, swimming and lots of fun outside.