Monday, April 27, 2009

My Cup Runneth Over

It’s been a while since I’ve updated the blog. Sorry. Life is very good, just very busy and I’ve let this blog take the backseat lately. Baseball is in full swing for both boys, so that adds the chaotic schedule in our home. We enjoy it though and the boys are doing so well this year in ball. Riley’s league especially has become so much fun to watch as the boys are now turning double plays and hitting the ball over the fence on occasion. It’s cool to see how far they’ve come, from playing in the dirt (which they still do on occasion) and fighting over the ball in the outfield to where they are this year.

Baseball was on hold for Spring break and that week also coincided with my last week of maternity leave. I was glad to have the full week to spend with them and Baby Girl. We spent most of the week camping in Parrott with PawPaw and Nanny. The first part of the week was pretty cool and very windy, but by Thursday and Friday it was sunny and warm. We had a lot of fun riding through the woods on the 4-wheelers. We all enjoyed introducing Megan to camping and the woods. She did a lot of sleeping while we were there and it was sweet to watch her be mesmerized by the campfire at night.
Coloring Eggs While Camping
Looking for Lizards

We returned from camping on Friday and prepared for a full day on Easter with our families. The kids woke up to their treats from the Easter Bunny. The boys each got a movie and of course lots of candy. Megan’s basket had a rubber duck, rattle and a shorts outfit. After church we headed to visit both sets of grandparents and do the traditional Easter egg hunts. Riley, Owen, Jacob and Ethan (we missed you Zach and Kait!) had fun running through Nanny’s yard and finding all the hidden eggs. And of course we had a great meal of ham with all the fixin’s from Nanny. We left there and headed to the GG’s house to do another egg hunt and eat some more ham. Needless to say, by the end of the day our bellies were full and the baskets were overflowing. Coincidently, Riley is learning the 23rd Psalm for Awana. He’s learning it verse by verse and then at the end he’ll have to put it all together. I was explaining to him about what it meant by ‘my cup runneth over’ as he was memorizing that portion last week. No doubt our cups do run over and our blessings are abundant in more ways than one!
Our Pretty Girl on Easter
All 3 on Easter Morning
The Helton Grands
(minus Nathan who was napping and Zach and Kait)
PawPaw and Megan
The Boys at the GG's
The Foster Great-Grands

Returning to work has gone well. I’ve been back for 2 weeks now and it really couldn’t have gone smoother. Megan is taking a bottle easily and I’ve been successful at pumping plenty of milk for her in my absence. Of course I miss her, but knowing she’s at home with her Daddy and in great care has made the transition easier. I also am able to telecommute from home each Wednesday, so having that middle of the week day with her makes it much more doable as well.

This past Sunday was another awesome example of our overflowing cups. Riley was baptized Sunday morning and we had Megan dedicated in the same service. All of our family was able to attend and what an awesome day. I can’t help but get teary whenever I see anyone baptized, so it was even more special to watch my eldest son take the plunge. We tried to reiterate all week what he was doing and make sure he really understood. He was excited and I believe he really understood the significance of his baptism. Funny, as we walked into the changing room before the baptism and were met by a gentleman who had Riley’s robe ready for him to put on Riley turned towards me and said under his breath, “I ain’t wearing that, Mom!” He didn’t put up much of a fight though and everything went well.

Megan’s dedication was also very sweet. The pastor had all five of us come up on stage and then had our family (all 23 of them) stand in the congregation. He asked each of them to agree in helping us to raise Megan in a Christian home and pray that one day she too would make the decision her oldest brother had demonstrated that same day.

Our cups are overflowing! I pray yours are as well!