Wednesday, February 25, 2009

4cm....still waiting

Well we made it to 39 weeks. Only 1 more to go till the due date. I told Lance last night I thought Thursday would be a good day for her to arrive. That would mean Riley was born on the 24th, Owen on the 25th and Baby Girl on the 26th. A cool birth order thing. Of course who knows what she and God have in mind, but that's my thought.

I had a few Owen-isms I wanted to share. I know after Baby Girl arrives, I'll forget completely to write these down so thought I'd do so while they were fresh in my mind -

#1 On the way to preschool yesterday -
"Mom, I think I grew a new freckle."

#2 We'd just come from Owen's practice at another location and stopped to see the end of Riley's at the ball park. Lance was sitting in his truck (it was cold) and we pulled up beside him in my car.

Owen rolled down his window and said to Lance -
"Hey! Did you just blow in from stupid-town??"
(apparently this is a line he got from an episode of SpongeBob)
He cracks himself up. Remind you of anyone else?

#3 Watching a favorite show on t.v. last night, Dirty Jobs. Owen said,
"Hey Mom. If we have a dirty job to do and we don't want to do it, we can just call them, right?"

#4 One night this week after tucking him in bed, "I hope our baby sister comes when it's day time. Cause I don't want to be too sleepy!"

That would be a first for our family. A daytime labor and delivery. Nothing wrong with hoping, right?

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

3cm and Waiting

I found out at my Dr. appointment yesterday that I'm already at 3cm, so Baby Girl could come any time now. The Dr. said he would definately expect an early delivery but only time will tell. I did have several contractions last night that woke me up (several/hour). I'm not sure if it was really the contractions waking me or just my anticipation and anxiousess to meet Baby Girl. I did opt to telecommute today just to be safe, but since waking up things have calmed down. Still a few contractions, but not as consistent as they were last night.

The wait is on. I'll post as I can if anything changes.

Monday, February 9, 2009


This weekend was another busy one. We spent a good deal of time doing more prep-work for Little Girl. She will be here soon, only 3 weeks left till her due date. I can’t believe it is creeping up so fast!

Saturday we spent a good portion of the day at the ball park for Riley’s practice. What beautiful weather though, none of us minded the extra time outdoors. February practices aren’t always so pleasant! Saturday night Riley began complaining of a sore neck. We soon realized what he meant was that he had a sore throat. By Sunday morning he was running a fever and kept it off and on all day Sunday. We missed church, but it’s hard to take part of the family when Riley is the one who loves to go and never likes to miss a week. I didn’t want to go and leave him home.

Sunday afternoon I headed to Alice’s house for my baby shower she and my Mom threw me. It was so much fun. Technically it was a diaper shower, since we really weren’t needing too many other things. We ended up with plenty of diapers plus lots of cute outfits and numerous other baby things. The prize gift was from Kaitlyn, she made both the boys t-shirts. Riley’s says, “I’m the oldest. I have a new sister.” Owen’s says, “I’m in the middle. I have a new sister.” They both loved their shirts and can’t wait to wear them to the hospital and to school after the baby is born. She also made a onesie for the baby that says, “Lil Blessing.” After Riley woke from his 4 hour nap Sunday evening (that’s how I know he was really sick), I showed them the shirts and he said, “I like the way that Kait thinks!” Only trouble is I think she’s now introduced them to a new craft idea. I bet we’ll be buying puffy fabric paint and plain t-shirts very soon. In fact we received a package of solid-white onesies that I know they would love to decorate for their baby sister.

The crib is partially assembled. Turns out we are missing some of the bolts/hardware to finish, so we’ll make a stop at Home Depot today to see if we can get what we’re missing. I guess some of it was lost during our move.

The countdown continues. I have my 37 week appointment this afternoon. I don’t expect much news from that except to hear her precious heartbeat and confirm that all is going well. I’ll post if we hear anything different.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

A few ism's

I figured I better post them before I forgot them entirely. Here are a couple of Owen-isms and Riley-isms:


Riley said to me after sitting beside me on the couch one afternoon telling me about his day at school:
“After the baby is born, you aren’t going to be able to talk to me and Owen much anymore, are you?”
Of course I quickly corrected him and explained that although we’d be busy with the baby, we’d always have time to talk to both of them.


Tuesday afternoon, as soon as I walked in the door from work, Riley greeted me and grabbed my hand. “Please come watch t.v. with me Mama. Before you cook supper or I start my homework, let’s watch t.v. together.” How could I say no?! He led me to my bedroom where he proceeded to find one of my favorite shows, Jon and Kate Plus 8. Talk about making my day!


As Lance and I were tucking the boys in bed last night Riley said, “We had a good day today, didn’t we? None of the parents yelled and none of the kids got in timeout!” He then proceeded to make mention of the same thing in his prayers, thanking God for our no-timeout, no-yelling day.


Owen came to the kitchen while I was cooking dinner one night last week (he’d been watching his favorite show, SpongeBob) and asked me, “Mom, how does Spongebob take a bath? His house is already full of water!” (For those of you who don’t know, SpongeBob is a Sponge and lives in the Ocean.)


A couple weeks ago as we were walking out of Target, Owen asked me after studying the automatic exit doors, “Why do they have handles on those doors, Mom? They open all by themselves!”