Monday, March 23, 2009

Spring Fever

I don't know about your house, but at our house Spring Fever is in running rampant. What a beautiful weekend! We spent most of it outside and it was so nice.

Saturday Lance headed to a shooting range with his brother while the kids and I took off to the park for the day. It was a georgous afternoon which meant that everyone else was at the park too. That's OK, it meant they boys had plenty of kids to play with. They even ran into 3 of their Awana buddies at the playground. Megan enjoyed our walk around the nature trail. Riley pushed her in her stroller most of the way. Owen took a short turn at it and I pushed her the rest of the way. We left the park and went by Chick-fil-A on the way home to redeem the boys milkshake coupons they'd won Wednesday night at the Awana Grand Prix with their pinewood derby cars.

Sunday, Riley and I went for the second hour of church while Lance hung back with Megan and Owen at home. I think we'll be ready to introduce Megan at church next Sunday. We've been waiting for her to get a few weeks age on her before we bring her with us. Riley on the other hand has been growing impatient with not attending. So this week, I had promised to get him there and I did.

After church and lunch at home, we were outside most of the afternoon. Lance mowed the lawn and sprayed roundup on the poison ivy starting to grow. Riley, Owen and I fished for a short while (no bites) with the 4 crickets Riley and Lance found earlier. The boys split the rest of the afternoon in the sandbox, on the trampoline, playing with action figures on the deck and shooing their paintball gun at a tree stump target. Megan split her time between my arms and her crib. She had a nice long nap during most of our outdoor time.

I'm getting comfortable with this stay-at-home-Mom role. It's hard to believe I only have 3 weeks left of my maternity leave. It's going by way too fast!

Friday, March 13, 2009

Our First Week

Megan Grace is doing great and so is everyone else. Although it's only been a week and a half, I'd say she is so far my easiest baby (maybe I just learned with the first 2??). She easily goes 3 and sometimes 4 hours between feedings day and night. I remember pacing with Riley trying to stretch out the time betweeen feedings, I haven't done that once with Megan. She's great at nursing. So far (crossing my fingers and toes), she's not a spitter and she's only had one 'blow-out' from her diaper and that was my fault (I had her in a diaper too big for her).

The boys both adore her. Owen has come around and is just as 'into' her as Riley. If they hear her on the monitor, they both race to the nursery to tend to her. We've had to warn them several times not to try to pick her up on their own. Today I was out running some errands and Owen went with me only because Megan was coming along. He said she might need someone to give her the pacifier in the backseat. They both want to kiss and hold her before they go to bed and Riley can't wait to get his hands on her when he gets home from school in the afternoons.

She's been home now for 11 nights and has only had 2 'bad' ones where both Mom and Dad where tired the next morning. The time between 9am and noon when both boys are in school has proven to be a good nap time to make up those hours missed at night. Even the week when Nanny and PawPaw were here to help, Nanny only had to get up during the night twice and one of those times she ended up going right back to bed.

Can you tell we're proud parents? The jury is still out on who she looks most like. Some say Owen, most say Riley. We'll soon see. When her hair is clean and fuzzy it looks to me like it'll be more blonde than dark but time will tell. Her eyes are still that newborn navy-gray color so not sure what color they'll settle on.

No doubt she completes our family. She is exactly what we were missing and we are so thankful for our perfect little blessing we call Megan Grace.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Megan Grace Foster

The waiting is finally over. Megan Grace arrived Sunday morning (3/1/09) at 6:49am. She was a healthy 7 pounds 5 ounces and was 19.5 inches long. She and I came home yesterday and are enjoying settling in at home.

The boys both adore her. Riley is the more interested than Owen but both ask several times a day to hold her or see her.