Sunday, November 30, 2008


We've had a great week. Sad to see it coming to an end and know that as our heads hit the pillow tonight, we'll return to our 'regularly scheduled programs' tomorrow. Lance and I had a great time last night at the Zac Brown concert and I think the boys had an equally good time at their sleep-over with Nana and PawPaw.

Our week kicked into celebration mode on Tuesday with Lance's birthday. The boys were kind enough to wake him at 7am with homemade cards and specially wrapped presents. We had bought poster boards for each the previous weekend and they had labored 2 nights with glitter paint, water colors, markers and stickers to make just the perfect cards for their Dad. Definately keepsakes! Owen also picked out a nice new, red coffee-mug for his Dad and Riley bought him a UGA fleece blanket. When I got home from work, I surprised him with a new Gerber knife and the tickets for the show we saw last night. I think he had a great day. We ended with a celebratory dinner at Longhorn with Lance's parents, who were celebrating their anniversary which falls on the same date as Lance's birthday. Before we went to bed we had to sample the chocolate/sprinkles cake that the boys and I had made for him on Monday night.

Thursday was another special Thanksgiving. We had lunch with the Helton's and then supper with the Foster's. Of course we didn't over eat, why do you ask? Really, it was a great day with all of our family and of course great food too. And aside from all the food, the highlight of any special gather day for the boys is always seeing all of their cousins and getting in lots of play time.

Friday Mom, Alice, Aunt Amelia, Kaitlyn, Nathan, Owen and I all did our traditional shopping trip. We hit I think 5-6 stores and made a little dent in our Christmas shopping lists. I left it up to my boys who would go and who would stay home and I was right in guessing that Riley would choose to stay home with Daddy and Owen wanted to shop with me. We ended the night with dinner at Red Lobster thanks to Aunt Amelia.

Saturday and Sunday were mostly spent hanging out at home. It was nice since it rained most of both days and gave us a good excuse to take naps, eat leftovers and watch football. We also managed to do a little garage cleaning, clean out the boys closets and dressers from out of size clothes and get most of the laundry caught up.

See what I mean? A good week. We had a few fun, busy, family days mixed in with a couple of lazy, rainy days. I can't think of a more perfect combination. I only wish all of my weekends were 4 days long so I could squeeze it all in each week.

Now the countown begins for Christmas. I really enjoy this time of year so I'll do my best not to let the money and shopping lists stress me out. It's too easy to get wrapped up in all that and forget the real reason for this season. I hope each of you had an equally wonderful Thanksgiving week!

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Go Tech!

Go Georgia Tech! Georgia Tech beat Georgia today 48 to 45. After 7 years of losing to UGA, I had to include today's score in my blog. Of course with 3 UGA fans in this house and myself being the single Tech fan, it was maybe even a little sweeter. Is it wrong that I enjoyed watching both my sons and my husband grumble and pout after the game :)

With that part of the day behind us, Lance and I are heading to see the Zac Brown Band tonight in Athens. The tickets were part of Lance's birthday gift from me. The boys are excited to be heading to PawPaw and Nana's to spend the night and Lance and I are looking forward to an adult only night with some great music.

More on our Thanksgiving weekend and Lance's birthday later. For now, it's time to drop off the kids and head out for a fun date night.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

My New Brother

That's right. I have a new brother. A new brother in Christ. And it's so special that he's my son too. Riley thought it was so cool that he is now a 'brother' to Lance and I. I think it's pretty darn cool too. Thank you, Jesus!

Sunday night, Lance had gone to his brothers to play cards with him and some of his former youth group. The boys and I were home watching Extreme Makeover: Home Edition. One of the designers was doing a little commentary about how they were helping out this family that was in need. Riley said to me, "Mom, I can tell he's a Christian." I said, "You can? What does that mean? What is a Christian?" He went on to tell me that he must be a Christian because he was doing something nice for someone (obviously oblivious to the fact that this designer probably gets paid big bucks to do this nice deed, but that's OK). I just responded, "Yeah, your right. Christians do do nice things for other people. And he is doing something nice, he might be a Christian." A few minutes later he asked if he (Riley) was a Christian and I tried to explain that he wasn't one yet, but when he was ready and older it was something he could do. His reply, "Well if I'm not a Christian, does that mean I'm a democrat?" Too funny! Obviously he's heard one too many political conversations this election year. Anyway, I told him it didn't mean that at all and we went on and finished watching the show.

Thirty minutes or so later as we were doing our bedtime routine and saying bedtime prayers, Riley started asking more questions. I really hesitated. Not sure if he really understood or was old enough to take this step and especially didn't want to go on with this without Lance. He insisted! He was ready and he didn't want to go to bed without becoming a Christian first. He said he'd just wait up for his Dad and we could do it then. Well we ended up making 2-3 phone calls to Lance instead and before his head hit his pillow, he was my brother in Christ. Oh how special that is! He, Owen and I sat on his bedroom floor, held hands and he repeated after me the sinnners prayer. We talked some more before he went to bed again trying to make sure he really understood.

Lance had to teach Monday night, which means another night where we couldn't really have a family discussion since we only pass each other for about 30 minutes as he leaves as soon as I get home. Tuesday night though, we sat at the kitchen table and talked with Riley. Lance and I both just really needed to be sure he understood what he was doing and what it all meant. We went through a series of scriptures my youth minister, Chip, had given me a long time ago to help lead someone to Christ. The first one talks about why we need him and then the next explains what he did for us and then one that tells what we have to do to get to him and finally last verse talks about the glory of heaven and the hope we all have as Christians. I've had them written in inside cover of my Bible and they were a great guide in helping my 7 year old understand what it means to become a Christian.

Below are the verses if you are interested. I have the first one written in the cover of my Bible and then the next one written at the bottom of the page where the first one is found and so on. That way you can turn from one to the next without having to go back to a list at the front.

1. John 1:14 - Revalation
2. John 3:3 - Need
3. John 3:16 - Response
4. John 3:36 - Consequences
5. John 10:28 - Security
6. John 11:25-26 - Hope

We talked to our pastor tonight about baptism. He has a workbook he likes kids to complete about baptism and salvation, we'll get that from him on Sunday. Once he works through the book we'll schedule a conference with the pastor and again make sure Riley is clear on what he's doing. Then we'll pick a Sunday for the baptism. What an awesome thing to experience. No doubt a moment that not only he will remember for the rest of his life, but Lance and I will as well. My son, my baby boy is now a fellow Christian, my brother in Christ.

I love you, Riley! Mama and Daddy are so proud of you!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


We had a great Halloween on Friday. I telecommuted that day which made it much easier (for me anyway, not sure the kids noticed) to get everyone in their costumes, fed and ready to head out for the night. I closed my laptop at 3pm and we headed out to the deck to carve pumpkins. Riley insisted on doing his all by himself this year, he was a bit annoyed that we wouldn’t let him handle the knife all on his own. He did draw what he wanted cut-out and using his hand on the knife, with Lances on top of it, they got it cut out together. He loved digging out all the pumpkin guts too. Owen was not as fond of slimy insides of his pumpkin, but did stick his hand in a couple of times although he quickly ran inside to wash off in the sink each time. He opted instead to clean it out as best he could using two big spoons. In the end, Mom ended up elbow deep in his pumpkin. He was happy to instruct me on drawing and cutting out his jack-o-lantern. Triangle eyes, diamond nose and a smiley face with exactly two teeth. He didn’t mind at all not being able to wield the knife. Not sure what that says about their personalities, but they’re definitely each their own.

"Take my picture, Dad. I'm going to eat my pumpkin!"

"Oh, I can do that. Watch this, I'm going to eat the gross insides of my pumpkin!"

We picked up pizza for dinner and when Scotty and his crew arrived we ate, dressed everyone and headed to the fall festival at a nearby church. The kids had fun on all the inflatable’s, getting their faces painted and the cake walk. The only downer for the night was Riley left there with a nice goose-egg on his forehead. He and buddy were in the inflatable boxing ring and managed to fall into each other, head to head. Apparently Heath’s head is harder than Riley’s (imagine that!). Heath walked away unscathed but Riley had a huge knot which has since turned several shades of blue and green.

Riley as Commander Cody (Star Wars) and Owen the Power Ranger

We left the fall festival and headed to a nearby neighborhood to trick-or-treat. We hit 15-20 houses and all the kids loaded up with plenty of candy. The kids and 2 adults piled into the back of Lance’s pick up truck. Being pregnant this year, I wasn’t allowed to ride in the back of the truck. I rode with Nana in her Navigator, following the pickup through the neighborhood. This neighborhood has relatively large lots, each no smaller than 1 acre, so if we’d done it all by foot I’m sure we couldn’t have knocked on as many doors as we did. The pick-up works great and the kids all love it since it’s the only night of the year they’re allowed to ride back there.

We headed back to our house when we were done where all the kids picked a spot on the living room floor to dump out their loot. The parents inspected all the candy and then the kids proceeded to trade and swap favorites with each other. Everyone was pretty wiped out but had a great night, adults included. The next morning Riley and Owen dumped their candy on the kitchen table and did a little more trading.

The morning after, sorting/trading candy and being silly.

It was a fun and memorable night. I thought several times during the evening that this time next year, I’ll have a little girl bundled up in her stroller in a costume of some sort. She’ll be here before we know it!

Saturday was another great football day. Riley’s team came away with a victory which sets them up for the semi-finals this coming Saturday. After his game, we stuck around and watched Tyler’s game. His team is also headed for the playoffs next weekend. Another exciting season! We left the football field and visited Mom and Dad’s church to hear a Korean childrens choir. They were very good and the boys enjoyed it too. They ended up spending the night with Nanny and PawPaw and sounds like they had a lot of fun. I picked them up the next morning before church.

Sunday was a nice, lazy day. After church we went home to eat lunch and hung out there for a couple of hours. Then we made a trip to Sam’s Club and afterward stopped at a park for a couple hours so the boys could ride their bikes. Riley managed to organize 5-6 other boys with bicycles into having races. Owen volunteered as the referee (he was the one to say “ready, set, go”) although I think he raced a couple of times too. It was a beautiful day for it! Before going home, we had dinner at our favorite Mexican restaurant.

Like all weekends, it came to an end too quickly, but at least we were able to squeeze an extra hour out of this one.