Tuesday, August 19, 2008

It's a.....

Well, we had an ultrasound yesterday and it was great. The baby looks just as she should, healthy and exactly where she should be at 12 weeks. Did I just say 'she'? I did! Yes, the ultrasound tech made an early guess on the sex and said she thought it was a girl! She did give us the prediction with some caution....don't paint the room just yet. She said she was 85% certain it was a girl though and that sounds pretty certain to me. 12 weeks is pretty early to tell, and it's possible 'things' aren't done developing down there yet. But in her estimation, it's a girl!

Time will tell. I'll have another ultrasound in 6 weeks and we should have a more difinitive answer then, but for now we'll go on the assumption that a little girl is growing in there.

Owen was with us (Riley was in school) and he was so excited that he was right. He's said all along he wanted a baby sister and he thinks it's a girl. We tried to tell him it could still be a boy (and by the way, that'll be fine with us too), but he is so certain that it's a girl.

I made a comment later that night that I wasn't sure I would know how to raise a little girl. I was experienced with boys, but not girls! Then Riley said, "Well, they're basically the same, Mom. You just buy them pink stuff instead of blue. Besides, your a girl, Mom! Geez!"

Monday, August 11, 2008


I'm in VA this week, so thinking about my boys at home a lot. Lance has made it through a busy day - school, dinner, homework, football and baths. I have to admit, I'm missing my boys like crazy but enjoying the quiet time to watch "Mommy Shows" all I want and even blog a little. And did I mention I have a 42" plasma TV in my room and just returned from having lasagna at Olive Garden?!

Lance sent me this Owen-ism from the football field tonight (via a txt message) and I realized I had a couple more to share as well.

Owen-ism #1 (tonight @ football field)
"I have an itchy spot and it won't unitch!"

Owen-ism #2 (last week @ football field)
Owen - "Mom, I don't think I'm want to be a grown-up."
Mom - "Really, why?"
Owen - "It's taking too long!"

Owen-ism #3 (couple weeks ago @ home)
Owen - "Mom, can the baby really hear me when I'm talking?"
Mom - "Yes, the baby will even know what his big brother sounds like when he's born and recognize your voice already."
Owen - "But he won't know my name when he's born, right?"
Mom - "That's true, we'll have to teach him your name."
Owen - (spoken directly to my belly) - "My name is Owen!"

Owen-ism # 4 (one night at home last week)
Owen walked into the kitchen as I was cooking dinner. He had on a skateboard knee pad on 1 knee.
Owen - "Mom, look what I found." (pointing to knee pad)
Mom - "Cool. Was that in your toy box?"
Owen - "Yeah, now I can jump off the bunk bed and not get hurt, right?"
Mom - "No! You can't jump off the bunk bed! What about your other knee?!"
Owen - "I'll just land on one knee, Mom. Please, just one jump?"
Mom - "NO!" (laughing just a little)

Although Owen is my cautious son, I guess this proves he is still a boy! The difference between him and Riley here is that Riley never would have asked permission to jump off the bunk bed. I would have just heard a big thump!

Monday, August 4, 2008

He Made it Home

He made it safely off the bus. Owen and I nearly melted waiting the long 10 minutes for the bus to round the corner, but it was finally there and our 2nd grader was the first one to jump off.

(scroll down for post from earlier today)

Back To School

I can’t believe it’s already that time again. After a weekend of tax-free shopping, today was the first day of school. Riley is a big 2nd grader this year. What happened to my baby??! He wasn’t exactly excited about going back to school. But at the very least, he was ready to see his old friends and buy an ice-cream in the lunchroom (the only thing he talked about this morning before leaving). Boy it really would have ruined his day if I’d forgotten to put that $.50 in his lunchbox this morning.

About 2:40 this afternoon, Riley will climb off the school bus and walk down the driveway home. It’s a first for him, to ride the bus home from school. In fact this may rank above his friends and lunchtime ice cream. He was very excited about no longer being a car rider. Because the bus comes so early in the morning, Lance will still drive him in the morning, but he’ll jump on the bus in the afternoon for the long ¼ mile ride home.

Saturday, along with the rest of Henry county and possibly all of Georgia, the boys and I went to the local office supply store for school supplies. Tax free weekend is great, but it’s almost not worth fighting the crowds for the discount. It’s a lot like the day after Thanksgiving, although who am I kidding, I go out into that madness every year too. Anyway, we at least found a one-stop-shop and got all his supplies in the buggy and then joined the other 50+ people in line for the 3 registers. After only a 30 minute wait, we were out of there, not too bad really. And the prize purchase for the day, a locking pencil box. Riley was so excited about that little box, it was funny. I never knew how important it was for him to protect his pencils in a special box. In fact that one purchase may have made him just a little bit excited about going back to school.

We had already stocked the boys closets with new clothes, thanks to PawPaw and Nana the weekend before. But Sunday after church we met Nanny to do it all over again. We tried to make the boys look for more winter, long-sleeve, type clothes this time. They made out with several great outfits each. Riley chose his new Star Wars t-shirt for this first day, along with some cargo shorts and his new black and white Nike’s.

Owen has a couple more weeks before preschool starts. Unlike his brother, I think he is a little excited about going back to school. He can’t wait to be in the big 4-year old class this year, the biggest kids on the preschool campus. He’s not one for change though, so we’ll see how he fares at his new school – First Baptist Locust Grove. I think it’ll be a good move for him, a little bit bigger school than last year and they have a brand new building that they just moved into this summer.

School starts today. Football practice 3 nights this week. Guitar lessons on Tuesday. Awana’s starts back Wednesday night. Ready or not, here we come….